scale, question, importance, balance, choice, choose, sign, symbol, weight, business, measurement, comparison, justice, equality, measure, equilibrium, finance, success, decision, decide, compare, choosing, vs, 3d, select, different, opposite, deciding, alternative, consider, opportunity, hesitate, correct, wrong, risk, challenge, chance, path, strategy, solution, scale, scale, scale, scale, question, balance, balance, balance, balance, balance, weight, weight, comparison, comparison, justice, compare, compare, compare, risk, risk, risk


Balance is having the right amount. Not too much or too little of any quality which leads to harmony or evenness. I aim to balance between working hard and having fun.

It’s about harmonising my inner self with the outer world creating a sense of peace and purpose in my life.

It’s like a tightrope walker who carefully balances to avoid falling . I too need to find my balance within the chaos of daily life.

ROI with ROE

ROI: Return on Investment 

I need to reflect if I am running a charity, a hobby or a business.

Charity: Yes I had been giving freely my advice based on my life’s experience during 2024.

Hobby: Is it a hobby? Yes I love what I do. However, a hobby is something I indulge in because it gives me pleasure or do I need to be realistic and ensure that I am running a business.

Business: Quantitative measures can be counted, but it’s essential to remember that not everything measurable holds true value. Moving forward, my priority is to ensure that the work I do provides a meaningful return, particularly in terms of financial

A detailed image of British Pound Sterling coins and banknotes, perfect for finance-related projects.
ROE: The Return on my Energy, my Enthusiasm, my Efforts.
albert einstein, portrait, theoretician physician, scientist, personality of the 20th century, e mc2 equation, professor, theory of relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics, brownian motion, 1921 nobel prize in physics, 1925 medal copley, max-planck medal 1929, genius, intelligent, thinker, head, face, big man, old man, white hair, celebrity, famous, person, albert einstein, albert einstein, albert einstein, albert einstein, albert einstein

Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Never let the thing I want make you forget the things you have. Life is too short to always be taken so seriously. Take risks and be bold. I don’t want to regret the chances I didn’t take. Never doubt my instincts. Trust my hunches, they are usually based on facts filed away in my own subconscious mind.


Happiness: It is a matter of perspective. Life is a climb but the view is great. If I want to be happy I will not dwell in the past or worry about the future. Focus is on living fully in the present. It cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every moment with love, grace and gratitude.

mickey mouse, walt disney, disney, figure, comic, cartoon character, fun, happy, cartoon, mickey mouse, mickey mouse, disney, disney, disney, disney, disney


In 2024, I took stock of the services I offered as The Christine Marsh and refined my work to 3 key offerings as an Author, Speaker and Facilitator.

Facilitation is something that I love to do, and have validation of the effectiveness of helping my clients to resolve difficult situations that are impacting on the success of their business. I thank those people who have sought me out and benefitted from what I want to share. The lessons I’ve learnt and the wisdom that has come from actually doing stuff rather than reading about it in a text book. 2024 had been a very active, hectic driven period. I had my Bucket List. Things that I desperately, genuinely wanted to do whilst I still had my health and wealth to ensure I don’t have regrets. If only I had! You can see my 3 wonderful adventures in my previous TiSME Blogs.


Here I come!
January has been a time to step back, take a breath before plunging ahead. I made a conscious decision to leave my diary with blank pages and see what the Universe will send my way.

Don’t let someone else’s opinion
of you become your reality.

It’s your life.

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